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mercoledì 22 febbraio 2023

The factory of transsexual children


from Maurizio Blondet

by Roberto PECCHIOLI

There are pieces that seem to write themselves lightly, others require effort, attention to every word, to every concept. Someone comes out with pain from the fingers that beat on the keyboard, as if each key was a blow received, a stab. This is the case with this one, whose title is already suffering, the certainty of living in a nightmare, with the anger of impotence and the sense of guilt for not being able to do anything to change things, except to make them known, as a vox clamantis in desert.

Yes, there are transsexual child factories and one day someone will have to answer to humanity and the Creator for the evil he is doing. We read on the net some excerpts from a recent French book, La fabrique de l'enfant trans-genre, written by two well-known psychologists and doctors of medicine, Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff, not translated into Italian. Its release caused the usual pseudo media storms artfully provoked by professional meddlers, immediately followed by activists from some sectors of the colorful LGBTQI rainbow (and so on and so forth). The thought police are working at full speed, which the book's editors call Santa In-queer-sition, from the name of one of the words of the sexually correct newspeak. In fact, the usual uproar of censorship, intolerance and furious hatred that accompanied, months ago, the release of No one is born in the wrong body , another counter-current book on the controversial topic of (real or presumed) gender dysphoria, is taking place.

The authors denounce, with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, the trans delirium that has invaded the lives of boys and children, starting from the Orwellian-style newspeak with which the very delicate issue of transsexuality is treated, which has become central to the mad-or criminal? – postmodernity agenda, which seems to be dictated by Macbeth's three witches.

Gender dysphoria is the mismatch between biological sex and psychological, or perceived, sex. Science and common sense have always agreed - except for a few cases to be treated with sensitivity, delicacy and empathy - that psychological sex is wrong (forgive the term). In the vast majority of cases the problem is precisely psychological and must be treated as such, especially in the complex phase of puberty, the transition between childhood and adulthood in which the physical appearance and the endocrine system change and the personality matures. Each of us is witness to the confusion of that fateful period of life, in which - at the same time - "we are no longer and we are not yet ".

The most propitious moment, therefore, for the new sorcerers to deliver the last blow, the definitive one, to the deconstruction and destruction of the personal, intimate identity of the new generations. The new trans-verb, against evidence and common sense, affirms that – as in all other fields of the individual and collective personality – it is nature that is misunderstood, called for the occasion biology. The sexual identity that chance or God has assigned us no longer matters, what we feel we are is worth.

Masson and Eliacheff make it clear from the outset that they do not want to deal with the condition of transsexual adults. They have always existed and it is entirely legitimate to respect their decisions, which are part of the exercise of freedom, even when we do not understand it and sometimes repel us. The authors speak of a "right to indifference", ie to go unnoticed, of transsexual people.

The - gigantic - problem arises for minors and children, against whom a campaign of lies, indoctrination, conditioning is being carried out, all the more guilty as it is directed at subjects who are fragile due to age and due to the fact that the possible, transient confusion in personal and sexual identity, instead of being treated for what it is - a fruit of the particular season of life to which to devote loving attention, aimed at removing pathologies (when they exist) - it is exploited to change the perception of oneself up to to the extreme consequences. Families and society have the thankless task of defending the youngest even from themselves and from desires or preferences which are, in the majority of cases, ephemeral, provisional.

On the contrary, today moments or whims are emphasized by transforming them into desires (and then into rights!) under the pretext of the so-called mental transition. It is a battle of immense scope, on which one cannot give in or retreat an inch, defying every risk. It begins with the change of name, the "alias" with which one wants to be called and is becoming practice in some Italian schools, and ends with the aggressive administration of very powerful drugs and in many cases with genital mutilation. All under the protective wing of institutional recognition.

The authors of the book underline the nefarious role of social networks, which have become the most dangerous "virtual" meeting place for self-recognition, manipulation and conformity fueled by hordes of interested influencers, often paid agents of those who feed the deconstruction and disidentification of our boys. The new media are a favorite place for one-way propaganda in favor of pubertal and even infantile transsexuality.

There are numerous trans-influencers who talk about the delights of sex change on Instagram, YouTube and Tik Tok, when they do not directly encourage mutilation. Twelve areas of the pro-transgender influence of social networks are indicated in the book. Among these, acceptance into a new community (or rather community) which has become an essential moment for most, the postmodern rite of initiation; the frenetic use of Newspeak, culminating in the acceptance of new terms and phrases in the academic language and in the updating of dictionaries on the basis of phantom "queer" studies; an unshakable faith in the irrational; victimization propaganda. Finally, a singular democratization of the sexual instinct in which every drive, act or fantasy that is "desirable" must also be feasible,

In passing, the two doctors show the constant increase in the profits of the pharmaceutical industry and of a sector of the health industry, whose name will have to be updated, since it has nothing to do with therapy, health or physical well-being. In short, the factory of transsexual children is in full swing, with the collaboration of educational sectors, schools, influencers, doctors, part of the political system and the cultural apparatus. The book concludes with the statement that nothing that is made to believe and held to be certain is such: "Taking a fantasy for a desire and making believe that it is feasible, positive, harmless, is a source of confusion, not of security."

We've been looking for more information. The Friend's Central School in Philadelphia, for example, has among its educators an eminent pedagogist convinced that each of them is "a sexual being free to experiment with the numerous labels that define the different sexual attitudes, a good start because they allow one to identify more experiences, trying more situations. “He also argues that every adult must educate children about “transformative sexuality”. If the words in the inverted vocabulary still have a meaning, transformative means "relating to transformation, that which has the property and function of transforming". That is, we must convert ourselves - and above all young people and children - into sexually fluid, "trans" beings. Simultaneously, we normalize the pederasty and sexualization of children.

Ideas conveyed not by extravagant or deranged people, but by subjects placed in the chair: therefore the power agrees with them. Let's leave the investigation into the motivations of power to another occasion and stick to the facts. Action is being actively taken to induce the confusion of the most intimate identity in recent generations. To describe it, we cannot find words other than crime against humanity. Around the West they smell the deal and open clinics for trans baby. A former manager, terrified by what he saw and did, denounced the center where he worked, revealing that “medicines that block puberty have prompted more and more minors to try to take their own lives. And boys who repented of the sex change were treated like plague victims.”

If you like living in a civilization of this type, take a seat, after having looked into the eyes of your children or any child playing in public gardens. But know that the operation comes from above. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (the philanthropist-capitalists…) have created special programs and associations to promote gender ideology. The sight of the television series, a glance at the entertainment programmes, at commercial advertising is enough to verify how it is advertised without contradiction h.24. Silence is beautiful about the Sanremo festival. In the meantime, gender theories are entering schools, even primary schools, despite the fact that the institutions continue to deny it.

An emblematic case was the story of poor Brian Reimar, born male, educated by radical behaviorist psychologists to recognize himself as female. He was the perfect guinea pig: following the loss of his penis by mistake during a circumcision surgery, he was given the name Brenda. His mentor – so to speak – was John Money, one of the first supporters of the idea that sexual identity is only a social construct, promoted by the ultra-feminist lesbian philosopher Judit Butler. Money stated that he had made Reimer accept the new condition; he was very well regarded in American high society, he proposed arguments in favor of "open" marriage and "fluid" sex, as well as the free experimentation of every sexual desire, even the most extreme, in applauded conferences and fashionable writings.

In 1980, he stated in Time that a pedophile experience "didn't necessarily have a negative effect on the child." Money remained a lifelong darling of the establishment, won awards and accolades and founded the first clinic to change gender identity, a fact celebrated with emphasis by the mainstream press. The experiment with the unfortunate Brian / Brenda ended very badly: independent psychologists discovered and demonstrated his discomforts: the unfortunate man had never heard of Brenda and died by suicide in 2004 at the age of thirty-eight. There are numerous cases of rethinking of subjects convinced of sex change in puberty. The prescription of very powerful, very expensive drugs with serious side effects is increasing, with negative effects for patients but with excellent economic results for producers, especially since the prescription, in the more "advanced" countries,

According to the Italian Medicines Agency,cited in the journal Scienza e Vita of November 2018, the pharmacological blockade of puberty and sex hormones could compromise the definition and functionality of the parts of the brain responsible for structuring sexual identity. There would therefore be a disastrous misalignment between physical and cognitive development. The same almighty American DSM-V diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorders (funded by Big Pharma) states that up to 98 percent of gender-confused boys and 88 percent of girls accept their biological sex at the end of puberty. Filling them with blocking drugs means inhibiting natural physical and cognitive processes, as well as making it difficult or impossible, in adulthood, to conceive children: the circle closes.

The dismay is great, the desire to flee to a non-existent elsewhere is enormous and scream, like in an old film, stop the world, I want to get off.

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