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lunedì 13 marzo 2017


BREAKING NEWS: in Scozia si farà un nuovo referendum sull'Indipendenza

La causa scatenante della riproposizione sarebbe il recente referendum sulla Brexit, al quale la stragrande maggioranza degli scozzesi aveva partecipato votando contro l'uscita della Gran Bretagna dalla UE.

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has detailed her intention to hold a referendum on Scottish independence.

Although a referendum on Scottish independence was held in 2014 which was narrowly won by the ‘remain in UK’ side, with Scottish people voting strongly against Brexit.

The decision of the UK government to pursue a Brexit which will see the UK leaving not only the EU but the single market afforded by membership of the  EEA (European Economic Area) has been understood by Scotland as the ‘hard Brexit’ which Scotland remains opposed to.

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